Sunday, 10 October 2010

Me and my mates!

Mum has started some 'canine social walks' for some of her clients and me. I can get a bit anxious when I see other dogs, but only when I'm on my lead. Mum has several clients who also have reactive dogs. To try to help us all, we are meeting up on the common. We have only met three times but we're beginning to like eachother already! We start off with some parallel walking and then we set off across the common. We all end up nice and relaxed! Today my friends Alfie, Duke and Ruby came...our mums and dads were very proud of us!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Through the corn field

Here I am bouncing through a corn field!! It was such fun. The corn was almost as tall as me so I had to jump my way through it. The corn has now been cut down so it's not so much fun.