Sunday, 25 March 2012


This is me and my friend Duke. He is a rescue boy, like me. He'd only been with his 'forever' family for a short time when mum went to visit them, to try to help with some problems they were having with Duke's behaviour.
One of the problems was that, like me, Duke over-reacted when he saw other dogs. Duke's mum started to bring Duke on our 'Sunday Social Walk'. The first few weeks a lot of us barked our heads off but bit by bit we began to realise that nothing bad would happen when we saw another dog. Duke's mum listened and followed my mum's advice and no we are the best of friends!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Snowy days!

We had lots of snow in Lincolnshire. I loved it!!! I even got snow on my nose. It was nice to go home after a lovely snowy run and snuggle by the fire.
Mum's been reading a book called 'In defence of the dog' by John Bradshaw. She says it really makes you think about the out dated ideas of dog training and puts a new perspective on the way humans think about their dog.
If only humans could understand how we dogs think about them!!!